Judging a Mens Sex Fetish

One thing I
have noticed about having a mens sex fetish is the fact that a lot of people in
the world judge you for things like that. Even when you don’t tell them that
you have a fetish of this nature, they will judge others that do. That is
something that always makes me feel very insecure. I don’t understand why
someone would do something like that especially when you consider they probably
have a fetish that is even more drastic than mine. I don’t judge those guys
that insist on wearing diapers and being fed with a bottle, so why should
others judge me?

I understand
that enjoying a mens sex fetish is a bit different from other fetishes, but I
don’t think that really matters. The important thing is that it is something
that I truly enjoy exploring and I should have the right to do that. I
shouldn’t have to feel like I need to keep watching over my shoulder in case
someone comes up behind me and sees what I am doing. I enjoy this fetish in the
privacy of my own bedroom and that is where I try to keep it for the most part.

I believe
that the mens sex fetish I have is just another extension of who I am as a man
and I am okay with that so others should be as well. I try my best to not bring
any of my friends or family into my fetish because I know how they will react
to it. I would probably be banned from joining family gatherings and my friends
would cast me off fairly quickly. There are times, though that I wish I could
just come out and tell them what I enjoy about it. Maybe one of these days I
will be able to when they have opened their minds a little more.


Male chastity



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